Archive for March, 2016

Expert Advice for Ironman Texas 70.3 novices

Posted in Uncategorized on March 30, 2016 by runmyssierun

It was obvious he was placing maximum effort in trying to show interest, understanding and offer his expert advice…

“How long you been training for your race?” He asked.

All my life – I said to myself

“I started running four years ago and then graduated to triathlon three years ago and just gradually worked myself up to this distance over the last year,” I replied.

“Oh then you’ll do just fine. I ran the Hog Dash two years ago without any training and that was like… What… About thirty miles or so… And it had obstacles and boobie traps… Whew! Now THAT was tough but if I could do that then you can, too.” He said proudly. “You just gotta keep telling yourself that you can do it. That’s the real battle there. You can do it.”

“Yep. You are so right! I just have to remind myself to believe in my abilities.” I told him.

He may not have known much about what a triathlon or half Ironman or Ironman consists of (or the Hog Dash either) but clearly he knows what it takes to finish one. 

Thank you dear stranger. 


The Three Amigos

Posted in Uncategorized on March 29, 2016 by runmyssierun

Three years ago, fate placed me in a hotel room the night before Herothon marathon in San Antonio with a closet-gangster-rap-music-loving pharmacist. It took a whole of :30 minutes to convince her to do our first triathlon together. Two days later, a princess joined us. Together we trained, encouraged, pushed, cried, laughed, hugged and even won together across countless finish lines between us. 

It was so fitting that they continued their support for me today. We couldn’t spend a lot of time together but that little time was treasured. 

I’ve recently heard a saying “your vibe attracts your tribe” so many times over these last few months. And it fills me with joy to know that I am surrounded with vibrant, caring, unstoppable, successful, beautiful women in all aspects of my life. 

Thank you my beautiful bugs! I still won’t pick you off one by one 😉



Why? Because…I won’t give up

Posted in half ironman, ironman, rgv, rio grande valley, Running, texas, training for my first half ironman, triathlon, triathlon training, triflare, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 19, 2016 by runmyssierun

Confession: While in my late teens and early twenties, I stuffed my bras, wore push up bras and mastered the art of duct tape under a swim suit in order to win the swimsuit division in the pageants that I entered.

Now in present day, I struggle trying to keep the girls squished down enough so I can fit into my wet suit! Super duper powerful sports bras laugh in my face when shown the challenge I must endure. I have now accepted the doomed fate of side boobage for the time being. The Big Guy upstairs has a wicked sense of humor. I know… I know… that’s what I get.

We always want what we can’t have.

Exactly four weekends from this one, I will be at the Memorial Hermann Ironman 70.3 in Galveston, Texas. I am, once again, out of my league at this race. So why do it?

Because I said I would.

Because I know if I convince myself that if I wait until I get better, faster, leaner, etc… I can still continue to tell myself that I can get better, faster, leaner, etc… and I’ll be waiting forever. Honestly, that’s called procrastination.

Because I know that if I surround myself with people who do things better than I do, I’ll learn from them how to do things better and I’ll become a better person for it.

Because I no longer care what the nay-sayers say. This is MY goal. This is MY promise. Not theirs.

Because I don’t care how fast or slow I go or what I look like.

Because I know that if I go out there and do the best that I possibly can do, I will know I did my best regardless of whether or not I finished first or finished last or anywhere in between or DNF’d… I wasn’t that spectator wondering if I could do it, or do it better than that other person or do it better than the last time I did this… I would know because I went and did it. And if I end up DNFing, I’ll just get up and do it again until I get where I want to be.

Because I won’t give up that easily.

What I DO know is that IF I finish, I will do so with very little time to spare. One month away, I will admit that my endurance and my time is not near what I would like myself to be at. Work, family, stress and duties of life have all taken priority over my workouts. Life still hasn’t given me a break and I need to realize that it never will. My schedule is so erratic that 90% of my workouts are by myself and I’m not exactly my own best motivator. Because I’ve been trying to lose weight, I’ve found that my nutrition hasn’t been at it’s optimum and have found myself questioning whether my choice to be a natural, organic athlete is the best choice at this point. I can now see why so many top athletes eat nothing but powered, “all natural” chemicals for breakfast, lunch and supper.

I knew this would be difficult. I knew it. And I made the choice to do it anyway. I CANNOT GIVE UP.


I’m down almost twenty pounds. I’m also down almost a full minute on my swim pace from this time last year. I received a new long sleeved Team in Training wet suit and tried it out for the first time last weekend with some very experienced Ironman finishers out in the waters of South Padre Island. I struggled even with the first 500 meters. I’m not very gifted with upper body strength so pulling through the choppy waves with long sleeves got to me quickly. Just to be safe and not have to worry about this additional pressure, I believe I’m going to revert back to my old wetsuit that is sleeveless… just in case.


My long runs have been inconsistent with equal parts great runs and horrible attempts. My cycling is still a mystery. I had planned on joining Team McAllen’s “Stations of the Cross” ride today at the San Juan Basilica and take my long ride with them along Military Highway and then jump off to do another few loops but storms rolled in and I was reduced back to my trainer. Fortunately, a new, extremely challenging course was introduced on Zwift (my virtual cycling training program) and it kicked my patootie!!! I swear I was pushing 2 mph up the mountain for about 45 minutes!!! Longest miles ever!!! But cycling down the mountain at my top speed of 60 mph was electrifying!!

zwift mountain decent.jpg

I did notice on my ride today that I need to be refitted. I bought a replacement saddle a while back ago and tried to install it myself. I don’t think I did a good job. My knees are bent too much through the entire rotation and I can’t seem to feel balanced in any other position other than aero. And even in aero position, I feel like I’m too far away from my bars to be completely in proper aero position.

To prepare for my run, I went back to Valley Running Company to see if I could entertain going back to Saucony since they have this season’s kicks in orange! To no avail, my run stance still has not been corrected and I immediately felt my hip trigger just during the sampling of the shoes. The pains that I feel now during my run are scary and heartbreaking. I feel like a drug addict desperately trying to get the feeling back from that first awesome run a few years ago. I don’t mind the pain of exhaustion. But I am now quite frightful of the pain of permanent injury. I pray I never lose control of my pride and ego long enough to endanger the ability to be active for the rest of my life.


Tomorrow, I will not be participating in Stanley’s triathlon. This is the first sprint tri of the season here in South Texas. This is the event that started me off in the sport of triathlon. Stanley’s triathlon was created by my bike guru who also cherishes his mother and honors a charity near to both of their hearts, Guiding Eyes For The Blind. Part of what is raised at this event goes to fund seeing eye dogs for people who have lost their eyesight. I think this is something that isn’t talked about or recognized enough…the REASON why we TRI are many times for people other than ourselves. This is what makes triathletes so awesome. To have the dedication to endure so much pain during training and events must mean that the passion that fuels this is from the adoration of another.

My son taught me how to swim a mere 10 weeks before the event and Coach Sandy Overly continued to steer me in all the right directions for the entire year afterwards. I’ve competed in this annual event every year since 2012… except this one. I will be volunteering though. I will be at the finish line awarding the medals to all the phenomenal local triathletes, new and experienced.

And I can’t wait to see the smiles on their faces after their grand accomplishment!!


You don’t know me but I follow your blog

Posted in Uncategorized on March 4, 2016 by runmyssierun

I took my son to a birthday party and a woman with a HUGE smile came up to me with arms wide open and blurted out “You don’t know me but I follow your blog!!” And proceeded to give me the best hug of the day!!!! 

Tina, a mutual friend of ours overheard her and said,”that’s a little creepy”

Quite the contrary though. I now get a lot of comments like that from women all over who confess their goals and fears with me and like her, look to others like us for inspiration, motivation and support. “You inspired me to run,” she said. And that motivates me to continue my own journey.

We went on to discuss the ups and downs of our health and fitness journeys and made a pact to keep in touch and support each other even though she was from the other side of Texas. 

I’m a month away from my event. I’m so out of my league and at the same time, super excited about it. My email has been jam packed with messages of support and getting to know my new Triflare Tribe members has reinvigorated the fire in me. The message yesterday let me know about my new kit designed just for me made me feel like a rockstar!!! 

I feel confident in my swim now but still need to shave 5 to 10 minutes from my overall time in the next few weeks. That’s going to be tough to do. My bike needs a new fit and some adjusting and has been the event that I have worked on the least amount. Almost all my time has been on the trainer. This makes me nervous. And my run worries me the most because of my hip. Bottom line is that I’m old, I’m injured, I’m heavier, it’s going to hurt regardless so just suck it up, deal with it and get ‘er done. 

You have excuses or you have results. It’s one or the other. I’m going to go out there and do my very best AND have fun with it AND cherish the experience forever. I hope it inspires others to attempt goals they never thought they could reach. Today’s book club enlightened me with “there is success in failure.” Now I see that. 😄