Archive for August, 2019

Sorry Not Sorry I’m Really Sorry About That

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on August 31, 2019 by runmyssierun

I’m sorry.

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Apologizing is NOT a sign of weakness. It is indicative of a person who is accountable for their own actions to ensure that the lesson has been learned and in process of not repeating it again in their life and accepting responsibility for the harm done to those hurt.

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Accepting an apology is not excusing the action but rather forgiving it. Forgiveness is not allowing the apologizer the ability to repeat the incident again but rather releasing the weight of the action from the life of the forgiver.

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In a hypocritical world with so many people telling you to do this not that, apologize but stop saying you’re sorry so much, blah blah blah… the advice goes from one spectrum to the other and all of it may be right and all of it may be wrong, too. Depending on the time, situation and people involved. Maybe it’s time to stop listening to the commands of other people who have NO clue what is truly happening in your life and listen to your gut instead.

There are people who say “I’m sorry” a million times a day and none are a true apology.

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There are people who will never say “I’m sorry” but need to a million times a day.

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Whether you fall into the category of saying it too much or not enough, we must all forgive graciously for the apologies we receive and the ones we never get. Forgiveness is the superhero power God granted each one of us and I am being intentional today to forgive as often as God has forgiven me and I’m not sorry about it one single bit.

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