Archive for March, 2015

My third Stanley’s Triathlon

Posted in Mom, triathlon, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 22, 2015 by runmyssierun
The Real Stanley

The Real Stanley

So before I do my recap of today’s triathlon, let me tell you a little bit about WHY this event means so much to me. See, I’m a daughter who loved her mother and I do lots of crazy stuff in her memory and honor so that others don’t have to experience this pain that she went through with cancer. When children do incredible things for their parents, it tells me that those parents did something right. They showed real love to these children, the kind that garners life-long respect and admiration. Something that I thought every child received is actually a rarity now.

A little over three years ago, I met a young, kind, and generous man by chance while posing for a photo shoot by Mid-Valley Events Athlete of the Week story at his bike shop.  It didn’t take long for this guy to take me from marathons to triathlons. I was hurt anyway from the marathon that I had done and was using triathlon to continue my training while my feet were healing. I borrowed my husband’s bike and took it to him to get fitted and I guess he either felt sorry for me or he knew I was way in over my head or it was a combination of the two… but he took me under his wing for probably the same reason I admire him… we both love our mothers and do these crazy things for them in their honor.

Stanley, the namesake of this triathlon, is a seeing eye dog. He was his mother’s seeing eye dog. Stanley is no longer here but lives on through this sport of triathlon in La Joya, Texas.

Proceeds from this triathlon go towards the organization Guiding Eyes for the Blind.

Because Wally supports me in all my crazy adventures, I’m going to make sure I make Stanley’s triathlon an annual event on my calendar and support him as much as I can. Because we both have extraordinary moms and that’s just what good kids do.

Want to know more about this? Here’s the link:

And my recap…


Ok, it’s no secret that my training has been a tad bit wacky and unconventional lately so I was a bit worried about how I would perform today. Nerves were hacking their way through me as I drove in… no coffee, tired (the last couple of days I’ve been living on just a few hours of continuously disrupted sleep) worried that I had forgotten something really important. I unloaded, asked Nesta (who had parked near me) to zip me up (told you I was tired) and made my way to body marking and bike check at transition. I was happy to see Alex eagerly waiting for me to remove my jacket so she could body mark me and then –again — purposely picked the very last bike rack to set up shop.

I carefully placed everything in the order that Coach Sandy taught me, got my earbuds, picked out my playlist and immediately began warming up with a stretch and a short, casual jog and then found a quiet place to sit and listen to my saved voicemails from Donny and Momma. This – this right here – keeps me grounded and focused on my WHY.

I’m surrounded by extremely gifted athletes that train very, very hard. There’s a few newbies, too. Scared and nervous and wondering what they got themselves into… I remember that feeling. And this is when I remind myself to do the absolute best I can do today and that, yes, I will hurt and yes, I will be out of my comfort zone for a while… but I am no quitter and I am not here to compete and I am not here to injure myself, either. I know how to listen to my body now. I know when to push my limits. And I know when to bring it down now. These are great things to know!

There’s something quite extraordinary about triathlon training. You get to know a lot about yourself – things you never really thought you needed to know. I think I’m a better person now because of this. No… correction. I KNOW I’m a better person now because of this.

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I jump into the pool and within seconds I can gather that just a few swimmers ahead of me there’s a person struggling and they’re going to back up all the other swimmers because no one wants to pass them. I scan my way over to the other side of the pool and there are families cheering their participants on and quickly pan over to the opposite side and I see German examining each swimmer, locking in on form, speed and safety.


Number 9 GO!

I push off from the ledge like a torpedo and don’t come back up for air until I’m half way into the pool. My stroke was conservative and on point. As I entered the third lap, I felt my breathing accelerate and caught myself in time to calm myself down. This was also about the time when I caught up to the struggling swimmer. I tapped their foot and passed them. Went forward a few more and saw Maritza holding her nose at the ledge of the pool.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

“He kicked my nose!” she shrieked.

Boom! I took off, passed him and thought about doing the same to him… but didn’t. The thought was evil enough for my revenge. Eh, I’m sure he just got freaked out a bit with all the crowd in a lane and just hit her by accident.

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I exited the pool and in one graceful swoop took off my swim cap and goggles while jogging barefoot to transition in what I was hoping was a Bo Derek moment… but let’s be serious.. even I know I was moving like a walrus.


Transition was a blur – literally. I felt like I was going to faint. I guess I just stopped too soon or something but when I leaned over to slip my shoes on… the world kinda did a little twirl around me. I grabbed onto the bike rack and got my bearings, snapped my helmet in place and took “Mimi” off her rack.

Here we go… my favorite part!

Click click click click my shoes went and I trotted through transition to the mount line. Remembering my little dizzy spell, I went to the side so that others wouldn’t rear end my clumsy butt and carefully leaned over to begin my ride. It had rained pretty hard the day and night before and it left puddles of uncertainty all over the road, especially around the first corner but let me tell you after I got out of the event area… I booked it like there was no tomorrow. Off the seat I went.


click click

I went into the hard gears and savored that wind against my face!!! Man oh man that felt awesome! It wasn’t like the wind at the Jalapeno 100 a couple of weeks ago… this was different. It was a welcoming, friendly, how you doing kinda breeze. It’s a little deceiving, too, because you start dancing with those sneaky rolling hills on Jarachinas Road!! You don’t see them coming really but you feel them in your legs and before you know it… boom! Elevation!!! Change gears!!!

The sun was up, fellow triathletes are all cheering me on and delicate periwinkle colored flowers were blooming along the fenceline… it was so so so very pretty!!! Oh my gosh! Wait… where’s the drama? Every single time I am in La Joya… something really crazy happens.

The first time I did Stanley’s, an SUV filled with illegal aliens almost clipped me as they tried to escape into the brush nearby and then I fell off my bike at the dismount line going into T2. The second time I did Stanley’s, my saddle sack with the required flat repair kit fell off on the drive over to the race that morning! I ended up riding my bike with my running fuel belt on and an extra tire kit packed inside!

I should have known something crazy was going to happen.

Just when I thought I was going to have a drama free event, Maritza passes me and seconds later she wails out in agony and plop goes her bike into the grass. From my point of view, it looked like her leg popped out and was only still by her side because her shoe was clipped in to her bike!! Screaming from a patch of grass and her bike on top of her, I jumped off my bike to help. Two other cyclists did the same. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she exclaimed,”Your times!! I’m ruining your times!” Silly girl thought that being on a podium was more important than her. Thank goodness it was just a cramp. She got back up after a few minutes, stretched her leg out and finished the race.

I know the rules. I’m not supposed to help other racers. I risked disqualification but there’s a point where the real Myssie pops out and punches the pseudo competitor facade and takes over. This is Maritza. She is a friend. You cannot leave her. No race is worth that. I’m sorry. It’s just not how Momma raised me. I really though she had broken her leg and if I had left her like that, she would have been in serious agony for God only knows how long. I thought I had it all on my gopro… but I hit the wrong button… again. 😦 Bummer.

I saw Sandy about a quarter mile ahead of me. Nah, I’m not going to speed up and take it away from her. This was her first triathlon. That was third place right there in my age group and I was letting it go. And I smiled and felt absolutely wonderful knowing that she was going to feel on top of the world in just about an hour. I rode the rest of way back about three bike lengths away from Maritza just to make sure she was ok and wouldn’t cramp up again. I’m glad I did that. I would have felt awful if it did happen again and no one was there to help her.

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T2 zoomed by and off I went a-running.. er a-jogging… er I was moving in the direction of the course. My feet felt like concrete. They were so heavy and I was honestly very disappointed because I had had a fabulous run earlier this week. But to be fair, I hadn’t had a good solid “brick” training and I was angry at myself. I deserved this. Regardless, I trotted on. It was a short two mile stretch and although I was slow, I was on a consistent pace with no signs of stopping. Good!

As I reach a little over half way, I see Coach Chavez beginning her run and I notice the struggle in her face. I haven’t known her for very long but I can pick up on body language and knew her enough to note that she needed some pushing. So I cross the street and decide to do the run portion over again so I can make sure she’s not struggling alone. I think she panicked for a while and didn’t understand what I was doing at first and when it sunk in, she said, “You don’t have to go this slow. You can go ten steps for…”

I stopped her there. “Don’t you worry about me. I’m fine.” I said curtly so that I wouldn’t get any other arguments. Plus it was probably my only chance to not get an argument from her since she was out of breath. I had the advantage in this conversation hehehehe

She said a few curse words… mostly the “F” word but that’s her style and it’s what works for her and I pushed her as best I could with encouragement. Between the vulgar language, she blurted,”I just wanted to finish this… (this part was inaudible) to be last.”

“You’re going to finish. You’re not going to be last. I’ll be last.” I said very matter-of-factly.

So as we were about a half block away from the finish line, she said,”Don’t be last. Finish this with me.”

And that was the smile I carried into the finish line.

The best Last Place finish to date. It is in journeys like these that you finally figure out what really matters in life. Kindness, encouragement and finishing what you started are just some of the lessons I've learned.  I've crossed many finish lines but I'm far from finished. :)

The best Last Place finish to date. It is in journeys like these that you finally figure out what really matters in life. Kindness, encouragement and finishing what you started are just some of the lessons I’ve learned. I’ve crossed many finish lines but I’m far from finished. 🙂

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Thank you to those Dos Guys, all the sponsors and volunteers for yet another extremely well organized and produced event.

First Triathlon of 2015 – Stanley’s Tri

Posted in Uncategorized on March 21, 2015 by runmyssierun

I’m not going to sugar coat it or come up with any sorry excuses. My training this year hasn’t gone as planned. The crazy weather and not training with my Team in Training team has left me to sporadic and inconsistent indoor trainings spurred by my own dwindling self motivation. I seriously thought about backing out of Stanley’s Tri tomorrow…

And then she came back… oh yeah. That wicked sarcastic little voice in my head that gets me so riled up during races… yep. She got me again.


That’s all she said. That’s all she had to say.

So… I’ll see you all on the course tomorrow 🙂

#9 is fine :)

#9 is fine 🙂

I know that triathletes race like they train. Since my training has been sporadic, I’m hoping my race tomorrow will be more like my good trainings than my bad trainings. That’s the thing about me and my triathlons… it’s always and adventure.

This was my final photo at my FIRST triathlon, Stanley's Tri, three years ago.

This was my final photo at my FIRST triathlon, Stanley’s Tri, three years ago.

Triathlon training, colonoscopies and the meaning of life

Posted in cancer with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 14, 2015 by runmyssierun


I got super sick this week. Thank goodness it was just a bug that lasted a couple of days but it was enough to knock me off my training track. Good thing that I was finally accepted into the Zwift program! Unfortch, I was too sick and impatient to get myself hooked up. I’m feeling much better and hope to get the system completely installed so I can see what all the hoopla is about.

For now, I just have my playlist going and youtube videos like this on the big screen. *I better get this done tomorrow the right way!!! Zwifting at the edge of the ocean right now. This is as close to the island as I can get.

The docs and my trusty JTIs have all worked super hard for the Rio Grande Valley Colonoscopy Assistance Program’s 5k coming up on Saturday. With two races under our belts, we’re feeling more at ease about this race coordination stuff now and have some awesome support from the City of McAllen and our sponsors.

Some of the RGV CAP Board members after our 2nd race

Some of the RGV CAP Board members after our 2nd successful 10k race!!!

Some of the RGV CAP board being a little silly after our first 5k success!!!

Some of the RGV CAP board being a little silly after our first 5k success!!!

P.S. Proceeds from these events go to fund financial and informational support for residents of the Rio Grande Valley who are at high risk or have great need of a colon cancer screening. Whether they need information on how to figure out if their current insurance can cover the colonoscopy expenses, don’t have insurance and need financial assistance or just need help in understanding the symptoms, treatments and options, these events that we do help raise funds to give them a better chance at identifying the cancer at an early stage and give them a fighting chance against colon cancer or rectal cancer.

So very proud of this little chiquita, Laura Corpus, RGV CAP’s President, who has spearheaded the project that is near and dear to my heart. I was supposed to be with her on this interview but got up at 2:00a.m. that morning with technicolor projectiles. She handled this interview like a champ on LIVE TV!  #bottomsup

Want to join? Tomorrow is the last day to sign up on

If you miss the deadline, you can sign up on race day morning at 7:00 a.m. but no guarantee that you’ll get a t-shirt.

And the best part is that everyone behind the scenes doesn’t just talk the talk… the very next day, we’ve signed up to do Stanley’s Triathlon!!!  It’s going to be a very busy week for all of us… and a very productive week, too!

Oh! Like us on Facebook!

I try to keep a distinct line with my writing about family but I was totally up front about my being candid with feelings toward cancer. In the next few weeks, April 11, will mark my baby brother being gone 4 years. On April 8, it will be 3 years for my Momma. We, as a family, are all trying to move on with our lives and have done our best to heal. The transition has been difficult, the world will never be the same and some of us (family members) are not healing at the same pace as others.

I’ve never claimed to be the know-it-all of this nemesis named cancer so I ask of any of you who have dealt with multiple deaths, how have you dealt? I am so grateful that I have found a healthy outlet for my frustration but I know better than to think this is a cure-all one size fits all kind of remedy for all my family nor am I bold enough to claim that I’m completely healed… whatever that means. I’ve witnessed them hurt themselves so much with bad decisions, self destructive behaviors, etc. How can I get them to see the consequences of their actions? Do I even have a right to say anything? And who am I to say anything? And am I a bad person for not saying anything? Seriously, have you ever felt like the whole world has just gone completely mad at times and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it?

I wish she was here. She’d know what to do.

Things Momma used to say

Posted in Mom with tags , , , , , , on March 12, 2015 by runmyssierun


Life isn’t always awesome. It is what it is. If you choose to dwell on the negative, you’ll live in the negative. If you choose the opposite, your outcome will likely reflect that.

Not everyone will be your friend. Not everyone will be nice to you. Some will be nice to you but won’t ever be your friend. Some will befriend you but never really be nice. But YOU be nice and friendly to everyone, you understand?

Put yourself in their shoes.

It’s not easy to be a Catholic now. What we believe in isn’t convenient for the lifestyles that society has accept today. It’s much easier to be another religion but nothing worth having or being comes easy.

If you cant afford it, don’t buy it. Or work harder for it.

El flojo trabaja doble.

The worst they can say is “no”. Go on.

I love you, baby.

You were the prettiest one there.

Don’t waste your love on someone who loves someone else.

You can do anything you set your mind to.

It’s almost that time of year… her favorite time of year and now it’s become the time that I dread most: Easter the anniversary of the day she died. I cannot remove the vivid memories of her – even when she struggled during her last days – nor would I ever want to. I cherish every memory of her. However, I struggle with how I am supposed to celebrate Easter without her and with the rest of my family that remains. Easter is a time that symbolizes the rebirth of Christ, His ever lasting life and Spring renewal. So until I figure it out for myself, I’ll plant a fake smile on my face until I can soak in every single precious great thing there is about Easter.

I remember when grandma Nana died. I was about 12 years old. I saw her on Aunt China’s recliner distraught and lighting up a cigarette. She had quit smoking a few years before. I remember walking up to her and reminded her that she had quit and she snapped at me… I knew it wasn’t like her to be so angry but I never forgot that moment. I also never experienced her anger after that moment. Something must have triggered her to remove the anger, that feeling of missing her mother, the uncertainty of life without mom…

I’m still waiting for that trigger to happen wtihin me. I wish I knew.

I have so many questions for her and I know she’d be able to figure out how to solve the problems.

I miss her.



The RGV CAP (Rio Grand Valley Colonoscopy Assistance Program) 5k is next week. I really hope people participate, help and take advantage of what we’re doing. This way, someone else won’t be missing someone they love like I am.

Unused cascarones

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on March 8, 2015 by runmyssierun

Finally, I feel like I’m back on course! I’ve returned to some regular trainings and have increased the intensity of my workouts. My swim is increasing in pace and duration. I’ve focused on upper body strength training so that I can build up and utilize my arms and back while saving my legs for the bike and run on my Triathlon. However, I think I may have overdone it on my last swim as my lower back on my left side is extremely tender and feels like it’s on the verge of cramping any second now. Unsure if it’s actually over straining of muscle or if it’s my kidneys again from too much coffee and not enough water. I expect an answer soon after my visit with the Doc this week.

11053058_10155291886875068_1928030618175421475_n alex swim post

Still not pleased with my running. But hey, who am I kidding? I’ll never really be pleased with my running. There’s still something quite elusive about that sport. The better you get, the more you expect from yourself and push harder.

My cycling workouts have been done mostly on my trainer and in spin class but was able to get a few nice brisk miles in on Saturday morning at the Arbor Day Celebration in McAllen.

Bicentennial Blvd was completely barricaded for the safety of all runners and cyclists during the Arbor Day Celebration. A bold and courageous move by the City of McAllen to encourage residents to participate in the event and make strides to live healthier and more fit lives.

Bicentennial Blvd was completely barricaded for the safety of all runners and cyclists during the Arbor Day Celebration. A bold and courageous move by the City of McAllen to encourage residents to participate in the event and make strides to live healthier and more fit lives.

It’s not often when you have the support of a city and a good number of its staff barricade a five lane street with wide shoulders strictly for the use of runners and cyclists – even if it is just for a couple of hours once a year. Although I have only been cycling for just a couple of years, I’ve already had too many of my friends hurt and/or killed while riding. What the City of McAllen, Keep McAllen Beautiful and the even coordinators for the Arbor Day Celebration did that morning allowed me to face the fear of returning to my love of cycling in a safe and monitored fashion. It was a baby step forward. And I appreciate it so much!

McAllen Cable Network camera man, Jose Esqueda, takes a "selfie" with me just before we all took off on our bikes.

McAllen Cable Network camera man, Jose Esqueda, takes a “selfie” with me just before we all took off on our bikes.

For a short moment, colorful wind jackets dotted the streets and the whir of bicycle tires hummed through the City of McAllen.

For a short moment, colorful wind jackets dotted the streets and the whir of bicycle tires hummed through the City of McAllen.

I had an interesting discussion with someone on Wednesday. She was trying to crucify me for my efforts saying that all these crazy events that I compete in and raise money for don’t really help any of “our” people.

I sat there and listened to her passionately berate all that I have done, the promise I have kept and the sacrifices I have made. And then calmly, I responded with:

I make it a point to do all that I can for as many local, regional and national organizations for different reasons. I help with RGV CAP to help provide local people from the Rio Grande Valley assistance in both financial and informational resources for colonoscopies so that they have the chance to identify colon cancer in it’s early stages, giving us a better chance at removing the cancer completely. I also help with ACS and LLS because quite frankly we don’t have any scientists with great big labs creating treatments and searching for causes and cures for cancer in this four county region. I can’t help people from just my own zip code. That’s being prejudice. If I’m going to do this… I’m going 110% so that we ALL have access to affordable treatments and ultimately a cure. Helping just the people from the Valley is good if that’s all you can do. But I know I can do more. You have to find what’s causing all this pain and that just can’t realistically be done here in the Valley. I want to help that doctor who can.

It’s the most incredible feeling to witness the light bulb turn on in someone’s head when I’m able to make my point clear.

I love that feeling.

I still have dozens of cascarones from Easter three years ago. I don’t have the heart to throw them away and I don’t feel comfortable using them. I still struggle with these silly emotionally based decisions. Weird huh? I think I’ll be struggling with what to do on Easter for a few more years.

Killing cancer

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on March 1, 2015 by runmyssierun

“My life, like most people’s, has been negatively affected by cancer, and the thought of my young children living in an age where this is no longer humanity’s No. 1 health fear was simply overpowering.”
Shane Smith

On the Seventh Wave

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 1, 2015 by runmyssierun

Much time has passed since my last blog update. Much more has happened… good and bad and many decisions as a result of them.

Today is the first day of March. March is Colon Cancer Awareness month and I would be remissed if I went without asking everyone I knew if they knew what was up their butt. So, What’s up YOUR butt???

Unfortunately, as I checked my facebook feed this morning, I found that my Fraternity Phi Sigma Kappa Big Brother, Joey Soto, has rectal cancer. This is proof that cancer IS prejudice. It picks the best people on Earth. See, in college, Joey was this handsome, gentle, funny, debonair, green-eyed cowboy that all the girls swooned over on campus. I was president of Delta Zeta Sorority and my college boyfriend was a Phi Sig. Joey was his big brother and because it was in his nature to go the extra mile, he looked after me as part of his duty, as well. I never got into trouble and no one messed with me. I think a lot of that had to do with people knowing never to mess with a cowboy from Central Texas.

That's Joey. The one with the green eyes and dangerous guns!!! These guys showed up at all our DZ events, protected us and always  infused an overdose of fun and giggles into everything we did together.

That’s Joey. The one with the green eyes and dangerous guns!!! These guys showed up at all our DZ events, protected us and always infused an overdose of fun and giggles into everything we did together.

How he shared his news to the world via facebook was one of the most incredible posts I’ve ever read. I’ll share just a little part of it (I hope he doesn’t mind):

So I was talking to God last night. Yes, we talk often… Most of the times, it is about you guys. We have a good laugh and then move on to other topics, but he started telling me last night some things that he wanted me to share with you. He also told me to remind you that I am sick right now so you HAVE to Listen.
He said:
1. Take time every once in a while for those you love. Maybe, once a week, do something they really want to do. Whether that be go walking down the Riverwalk on a Saturday afternoon? Or go to a Plant Nursery? Just let the world stop every once in a while and smile. You will realize how beautiful it is sometimes.
2. Take care of your health. He told me that I am very lucky that he has given me the OPPORTUNITY to fight this and not just be gone one day. For that I have been given a chance to fight. AND I promised him I WILL FIGHT !!!!!!!
3. Talk to him. Yes, he is the Big Boss, the CEO, and all that, but his door is always open. He said he even had the door removed from his office so it is always open and he is ready to listen.
That is all he really told me last night. That OOHH and also not too worry at all. He’s got this for me and I will be ok.

I celebrated my 45th birthday this week. OMG!!! Did I just say my real age… out loud for the whole world to see and scrutinize and judge???? YES! YES I SURE DID!!! There was a time, not long ago, that made me cringe each time my birthday came around. Now, today, I no longer take my birthday for granted nor can I afford to ignore the blessing of another birthday… because the alternative is just something that I nor my family can handle right now. I am FORTY FIVE and am more blessed now than I have ever been before and I thank GOD and the world for allowing my silly age issues to annoy them this long. Won’t happen again. A lot of people don’t get to live this long. A lot of people who do live this long haven’t lived as well as I have. I honestly feel better now than I did at 25 and 100x better than I did at 35!!!!

My birthday wish was for people to donate $10 to #TEAMSARAH and the blood cancer treatment grant that our local LLS chapter is hoping to have named after her instead of posting a facebook birthday online for me. I had almost 1,000 social media birthday wishes and raised just over $500 in birthday wish donations from it. BEST GIFT EVER!!!! Thank you!!! Most people don’t have 1000 facebook friends so for me to have this many people send so many good vibes on my special day AND donate was validation to me of how awesomely I am blessed. Words can never thank everyone enough. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love.

I was also contacted by the American Cancer Society this last week. They told me that they wanted to honor my mother, Mimi Cardenas, my family and what I have done in her memory by naming me their honoree at Cattle Baron’s Ball this year.

Geez!!! Does this get any better????

Yes, but I’ll leave this for another post.

And now the bad stuff but with the silver lining… because that’s how I do things.

About a month ago, shortly after my last post, three of my teammates were cycling and were hit by a drunk driver. Two are recovering well and the third suffered a traumatic brain injury, a broken back and a tough struggle to come back to a normal life again. This was the morning that we were all supposed to go ride in memory of Eddie Arguelles who was also hit by a drunk driver almost a year ago now.

The silver lining? It’s this: I wish you could have seen the waiting room at the hospital that morning with all our teammates there. Holding hands in prayer, we became more bonded and unified for Christina and for our cause that we are so passionate about.

However, I did make the personal choice – after much discussion with my family – that I would step away from Team in Training this season. I will NOT be participating in Ironman Victoria this June. I WILL CONTINUE TO FUNDRAISE AND I WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT LLS, TEAM IN TRAINING AND ALL THINGS THAT SUPPORT CANCER AWARENESS AND THE DREAM I HAVE TO LIVE IN A WORLD WITHOUT CANCER. And yes, I’ll post more about this later in another blog post.

In the mean time… the training continues. And the support is overwhelming!!! If you are planning on participating in the Capital of Texas Triathlon #captextri, or Oceanside Tri, I ask that you please pick me as your Ambassador when asked how you found out about the event in the registration form. LifeTime Triathlon will make a donation for each registration that chooses me in support of helping me live in a world without cancer. Come on! Give it a TRI!

Choose Myssie Cardenas-Barajas as your ambassador and LifeTime Triathlon will make a donation to help #TEAMSARAH and support me in my journey to live in a world without cancer.

Choose Myssie Cardenas-Barajas as your ambassador and LifeTime Triathlon will make a donation to help #TEAMSARAH and support me in my journey to live in a world without cancer.


Until then… find me on the seventh wave.