Archive for October, 2016

Schedule your mammogram

Posted in training for my first half ironman on October 27, 2016 by runmyssierun

my prior entries- if you missed them

Posted in training for my first half ironman on October 26, 2016 by runmyssierun

January 27, 2012 I am not a runner. I was never in organized competitive sports growing up. I’m not the athletic type at all. Competitive yes. Athletic nope! But something wild and crazy trig…

Source: my prior entries- if you missed them

Cancer is still trying to bully us!

Posted in cancer, training for my first half ironman with tags , , , on October 23, 2016 by runmyssierun

A couple of months ago I was asked if I was done.

I’m not quite sure how to answer that. On one hand, yes, I am certain I am done doing all these crazy events trying to prove to the world and the new people who fall into my path that I can do anything I set out to accomplish. But see, my journey in YOUR view should not be about me. On the other hand, no, I am certain that my battle will go on and on until the end of my days because cancer seems to keep trying to bully its way through wonderful people’s lives. My promise is and will always be ongoing. I will continue to seek out ways to make the treatment, cure and prevention of cancer affordable and accessible to all those who want it. I will do my best to help find ways to provide solutions for those gaps within the system that insurance or government or other social organizations cannot help with yet (i.e. child care, transportation, home maintenance, etc.). I will continue to strive to ensure that caregivers also get support treatment for all they endure as well so that they remain strong for those whom they love. And I hope that others continue to join with me… because no one person can take on something like this by themselves but each one of us can do our share.

I hope that sometime DURING my lifetime cancer will be cured, prevented and completely eliminated from existence. I hope. I really do hope.

This month cancer seems to have hit too many of my friends and family hard… again.

We must rise up again, together, united in prayer, intention, effort and love for those whom we love. We probably all know someone currently fighting, battled and won or battled and lost… or maybe it’s you. Get up. Do something.

My friend Cary Zayas hosted a prayer circle on Saturday afternoon for Briana and Felix. I had never met either of the two teens (shown below). They were both sitting on the living room couch when I came in, knelt down and introduced myself. There was the most amazing warmth that came from both of those kids. You could feel nothing but grace in that moment.

Just now, I received a text response from the wife of Joey (both also pictured below). I used to run with her quite often years ago when I first ventured into this journey. The way she validated my feeling by saying “No one will ever know until they’re on this side” is true… and scary. I never wish this type of experience on anyone and now it seems as though its no longer “if”.. it has become a matter of “when” we will all have to deal with cancer. It is an agony unlike any other. It is also a reminder of today’s message in church…

Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” – Saint Augustine

Stranger stories

Posted in cancer, training for my first half ironman with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 9, 2016 by runmyssierun

Last night a young man and his wife asked if I was “Missy B”. They shook my hand, hugged me and asked for a picture with me. “I’ve been following your Instagram and blog for years” he said.

Both he and his wife had lost loved ones to cancer. They spoke to me about their stories and how they had followed my story for hope and inspiration. They renewed my passion and sense of purpose.

Not too long ago, my family and I went bowling and a woman whom I’ve never met did the exact same thing.

I have to admit, it gets a little scary when a complete stranger comes up to you out of the blue and asks if you are you. I’m certainly not a celebrity because occurrences like this don’t happen EVERY single day.. but often enough to know that I must be on guard, observant, cautious yet caring, compassionate and true to my promise.

So many of us struggle with hardships. It’s difficult to speak about them. One of the things I have learned from this is that once you get over that first step of difficulty – you know, admitting it – letting others know that this is a tough thing you’re going through. It releases you from it. Saying it allows you to let it out, let it go. And it gives permission to others in pain to do so, too. This little blog of mine has given me that power and permission to let others let go of their pain, struggles and suffering.

Whether it is about cancer, achieving a goal that was once thought of as impossible, proving yourself to others or yourself, becoming healthy, fit, happy or just simply becoming a better, kinder person… if you have found a connection here through my silly journey, then that brings me great joy. We all go through ups and downs and although I truly believe in my heart of hearts that any one person can get through it by themselves, trust me when I say, it’s so much better when you have support of others who sincerely understand and help you and others through it. Together we are a stronger, kinder and more effective force.

There are many, many more stories out here. We all need to hear them, feel them and do something about them. TOGETHER. Tell your story. We can all help each other and sometimes when we least expect it.